  • 期刊

光度對文心蘭(Oncidium 'Gower Ramsey')假球莖生長及開花品質之影響

Effect of Light Level on Pseudobulb Growth and Flowering Quality of Oncidium 'Gower Ramsey'.


文心蘭Gower Ramsey在遮蔭25-95%的情況下,植株的營養生長狀況隨著光度的增加而提高。假球莖的長度隨著光度降低而增長,遮蔭25%時最低,約為85mm,遮蔭95%時最長,約為102mm。假球莖的寬度及厚度皆隨著光度的增加而增加,在遮蔭25%時,假球莖的最大寬度為33.3mm,厚度為24mm,遮蔭95%時,最大寬度及厚度則分別下降為26.1mm及16mm,即降低栽培光度,將使植株的同化產物之轉運(translocation)下降,影響假球莖的充實。生殖生長方面,亦有增加光度,開花品質隨之提高的趨勢。遮蔭55%時,每支花梗平均分支數最多約為4.2。平均花梗長度及小花朵數則在遮蔭25%-75%間差異不顯著。遮蔭95%時,植株無法抽出花梗,而直接萌發次代營養芽,在此光度下,自當代子球萌發出的孫球芽數為遮蔭55%時的2倍。已抽梗20cm左右的文心蘭花序發育的情形,仍是隨著光度的增強而提高,遮蔭25%時,花序品質最佳,平均花梗分支數為4.8,花梗長度約130cm。


光度 假球莖 潛伏芽 花芽 開花


Under shaded at 25-95%, the vegetative growth of Oncidium 'Gower Ramsey' increased with light intensity. The height of pseudobulb decreased with light intensity. The shortest height of pseudobulbs was 85mm, while shaded at 25%. And the longest one was 102mm, while shaded at 95%. The width and thickness of pseudobulbs were also increased with light intensity. The largest width and thickness of pseudobulbs were 33.3mm and 24mm when the plants were under 25% shaded. While the shorted of them were 26.1mm and 16mm when the plants were shaded at 95%. There are the same results in reproductive growth. The most branches of flower stalk were 4.2 when shaded at 55%. But the average flower stalk length and flowers' number were no significant differentiation under shaded at 25-75%. When shaded at 95%, the plants failed to flower. The new leads were emergenced from the base. The development of 20-30cm flower stalk increased with light level, too. The best inflorescence's quality were flower branches at 4.8 and stalk's length at 130cm when shaded at 25%.


light level pseudobulb latent bud flower bud flowering
