  • 期刊


A Study on the Optimum Temperature for the Storage of Muskmelon


網紋洋香瓜採收後於室溫下品質劣變極為迅速,果實軟化與腐爛等因素造成貯運上嚴重之問題且造成相當大之損失。本研究針對蘭陽地區主要網紋洋香瓜品種紅蜜之最適採收後貯藏溫度加以探討。本試驗利用反應曲面法(Response surface methodology)設計,貯藏時間為0、5、15、25、與30天,貯藏溫度為0、3、10、17、與20℃,以果皮色澤、果肉色澤、果肉硬度、果肉彈性、果肉內聚性、果肉黏著性、果肉咀嚼性、果肉膠性、及黴菌腐爛等之變化為指標,預測蘭陽地區網紋洋香瓜最適之採收後貯藏溫度。結果顯示,紅蜜網紋洋香瓜採收後,每6~7果包裝於瓦楞紙箱中,最適之貯藏溫度在攝氏4~5℃左右,在此溫度下可保持採收時之色澤達10至15日與質地達25日。


Quality of muskmelon changed soon after harvest at room temperature. Thoses changes resulted in serious problems for the transportation and marketing of muskmelon. Response surface methodology was used for the experimental design with 5 temperatures, 0, 3, 10, 17, and 20℃, as well as 5 storage periods, 0, 5, 15, 25, and 30 days, to estimate the optimum temperature for the storage of 'red sweet' muskmelon. The changes of color of skin, color of flesh, hardness of flesh, springiness of flesh, cohesiveness of flesh, adhesiveness of flesh, chewiness of flesh, gumminess of flesh, and rottenness during storage were served as quality index for the evaluation of muskmelon quality. R squares of the response surface equations were highly acceptable. It showed that 4 to 5℃ resulted in a better storage quality right after harvest which could keep the harvest quality of color till 10 to 15 days and texture till 25 days of 'red sweet' muskmelon.
