Journal of Applied Science and Engineering

Published by Tamkang University Press


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Jose M. Roesset1

1Director, Offshore Technology Research Center Department of Civil Engineering Texas A&M University, U.S.A.


Received: October 15, 1998
Accepted: January 1, 1999
Publication Date: January 1, 1999

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Non destructive testing techniques based on the application of dynamic loads on the surface of a soil deposit or a pavement system, and the measurement of the resulting deflection basins or the phase difference between the motions recorded at various receivers have become powerful tools in civil engineering. In many cases, however, the interpretation of the recorded data relies on static analyses, ignoring entirely dynamic needed for a correct dynamic interpretation using wave propagation theory propagation in an elastic half space, a homogeneous layer of finite thickness resting on a rigid base, and a horizontally layered medium in general are presented with special emphasis on the interpretation of the data collected in the Falling Weight Deflectometer ( FWD ) and the Spectral Analysis of Surface Wave ( SASW ) tests.


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