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Paradise Lost: Narratives of Violence and Terror(ism) in Salman Rushdie's Shalimar the Clown





This paper attempts to investigate the issue of violence and terrorism by means of a critical reading of Salman Rushdie's Shalimar the Clown (2005) in the contexts of post-partition violence, South Asian diasporas and global terrorism. Through exploring the historical, geopolitical backdrop of Kashmir, my paper first reveals how British colonialism, postcolonial conflicts, and American neo-imperialism have vehemently transformed the once paradisal state into a territorial dispute. Drawing upon Monica Duffy Toft's critique of ”ethnic violence” over territory, Slavoj Zizek's thick descriptions of ”subjective and objective violence” as well as Judith Butler's ethical concern of non-violence toward the Other, I argue that Rushdie's novel delves deep into the roots of violence, terrorism, and the effects on the individual. In dramatizing the transformation of an innocent and demure tightrope-walking clown into an international terrorist, Rushdie inscribes the manifold conflicts between global self-position and local up-rootedness. While some critics claim that Rushdie celebrates an elitist vision of cosmopolitanism via his ideal syncretistic ”Kashmiriyat” to counter the cycles of violence, my study contends that ”Kashmiriyat” reveals Rushdie’s postcolonial attempt not only to transgress ethno-religious differences but also to re-imagine spatial possibilities of conviviality to ”step across” the cultural, geopolitical lines between India, Pakistan and America. Although the novel ends as if an entangled knot of ideologically driven violence is followed by counter-violence, I suggest that Rushdie proposes instead an ethical reconsideration of violence that requires a crucial recognition/negotiation of self and other.


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