  • 期刊


From South China to the South Sea: Guochang Li's Friendship of Diasporic Poets and His Poetry-use Practices




Guochang Li, the honorary president of the Xin Sheng Poetry Society of Singapore, studied in Université de Lyon, France. After earning a Ph.D. degree in science, he returned to China and taught at the Sun Yat-sen University (Guangdong), Jinan University (Shanghai), and Central University (Nanjing). He moved to Hong Kong and taught at the Wah Kiu College in 1949 because of the Chinese Civil War, and was later appointed as the professor of the College of Science, Nanyang University (Singapore) in 1955. He spent the last years of his life with relatives in Japan. He was acquainted with poets from countries around the world including Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Japan. Li's works are an ample reflection of his experience as a diasporic person and of the poet friendship. His antiphonal exchange of Chinese poems with other poets who shared the experience of being displaced by war embodied their collective frame of mind, as well as the poetry-use tendency of post-war Chinese poems. Through these works, poets dispersed to the four winds established connections with each other, a sociocultural behaviour reminiscent of that of the literati in ancient China.


鄒穎文:《香港古典詩文集經眼錄續編:詩社集、詞社集》(香港:香港中文大學出版社,2021 年)。(DOI:10.978.988237/2276)
(漢)毛亨、(唐)孔穎達疏:《十三經注疏分段標點》(臺北:新文豐出版股份有限公司,2001 年)。
(漢)鄭玄著,(唐)孔穎達疏:《禮記註疏》(臺北:臺灣商務印書館,1983年,《景印文淵閣四庫全書》第 115 冊)。
(宋)程頤:《易程傳》(臺北:文津出版社,1990 年)。
(宋)朱熹:《四書章句集注》(北京:中華書局,1983 年)。
