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A Study on Constructing the Evaluation Indicators for Interns' Professional Skills on the Parent-Child Centers Practicum - the Application of Fuzzy Delphi Method




To face the challenge of issues of decreasing birth rate, the departments of child care could deliver the course and practicum of children industry to increase the opportunities of occupations in Taiwan. Through the course of practicum in children industry, students had the chances to apply their theories and knowledge in a real teaching context. The purpose of this study was to construct the evaluation indicators for interns' professional skills on the parent-child centers practicum. Suggestions were provided for the practicum guidance units of parent-child centers and interns. However, empirical support on how to evaluate inters' professional skills on the parent-child centers practicum had been insufficient. It was difficult for researchers to provide tangible suggestions on the issue. Interview and fuzzy Delphi method were used as the principal procedures to conduct the indicators. First, this study integrated relevant literatures to construct the initial indicators. Through the interview of eight experts to itemize the revisions of indicators. Thirty-seven directors and instructors from parent-child centers were selected to determine the indicators for interns' professional skills on the parent-child centers practicum. The major conclusions of this study were listed as below: 1. The indicators of interns' professional skills on the parent-child centers practicum include four areas: professional knowledge, professional skill, professional attitude, and administration; 2. According to the four areas, covering a total of ten dimensions and 27 indicators. Finally, the researchers compared practicum indicators of preschools, elementary schools and after-school child care centers. Based on the discussion of these results, the study also provided some discussions and suggestions.


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