  • 期刊


Kinematic Analysis of Elite Women 400m Hurdles Performance


目的:研究國內優秀女子400公尺跨欄選手技術參數之探討,藉由二位選手比賽 中跨欄的成績作為分析,並透過分析中做為二位選手日後訓練及應該加強的部分作為參考。方法:本研究對象以104年全國大專運動會400公尺跨欄第一名及第三名兩位女子優秀選手為主要研究對象,並以第10屆世界田徑錦標賽第五名中國選手黃瀟瀟來對照分析。本研究工具為使用數位攝影機(SONY HSR-NX70N)每秒60張,架設於田徑比賽場地看臺上,以Kwon 3D動作分析系統(3.1, Visol, 韓國)進行分析及資料處理,以慢動作播放方式用人工判斷欄間步數及各欄架前導腳著地瞬間的每1支欄架所得之欄間時間。黃瀟瀟比賽數據則由文獻收集方式獲得。結果:完成四百公尺跨欄欄間的步數越少,對運動員是非常有利的。當然欄間的速度及前200公尺欄架成績及後200公尺欄架的成績不能有太明顯的差異,研究顯示前200公尺欄架及後200公尺欄架的成績不要超過2秒以上,若超過2秒以上,表示在專項速度耐力上需要再加強。結論:欄間步數越到後段步數越多,表示欄間節奏與穩定度不足,若無法以相同步數或改變步數完成全程跨欄則成績越不理想。建議提升個人速度及400公尺平跑能力,並加強速度耐力與專項耐力來積極訓練,減少欄間步數及加強欄間穩定能力,提升專項成績。


Purpose: This study was to investigate the performance of two elite national female hurdles athletes in 400m hurdles events, cinematographic records were collected for Kinematic analysis. Methods: Subjects were the women 400m hurdles gold and brown medals of 2015 Taiwan national collegiate game. Also, we collected Chinese elite athlete Xiao Xiao Huang's records of 2005 10th IAAF world championships for reference to compare with Taiwanese athletes. Digital high-speed cameras (SONY HSR-NX70N, 60fps) was used for collecting video records, Kwon 3D motion analysis system (version 3.1, Visol, Korea) was used for kinematic analysis, including the stride rate and crossing velocity of lead leg between chases. Results: Hurdles performance would benefit from less strides rate between hurdles, and the first and second 200 meters’ performance couldn’t have significant deviation. If the difference between first and second 200 meters’ performance was over two seconds, which indicated the special speed endurance was poor. Conclusions: The more strides between chases represent poor rhythm and stability, and the final performance will be not as good if athlete cannot keep up stable striding rate to complete 400 meters hurdles. According to our results, we suggest the velocity, 400 meters performance, special speed endurance and special fitness are the crucial elements for 400m hurdles training, keeping stable hurdle striding rate and stability has positive effects on 400meters hurdles performance.


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郭潔民、張凱(2007)。400 米跨欄跑的成績與跨欄節奏相關關係的研究。湖北體育科技。26(3),285-287。
