  • 期刊


China's "Go Global" Policy: The Role of Chinese Private Capitalists and Overseas Media Mergers and Acquisitions after 2008




We argue that the Chinese Communist Party adjusted it's ”Go Global” policy after the 2008 Olympic torch protest, which agitated the CCP. The CCP held a series of ”Grand Overseas Propaganda” meetings since the end of 2008 and adopted a radical expansion policy. The CCP actively co-opted Chinese private capitalists and built a new triangle alliance that comprises--Chinese state banks, Chinese private capitalists, and overseas clientaele capitalists. Since then, the alliance has acquired media corporations in the United Kingdom, United States, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. One such example is Wanda, which became the world's largest movie theater owner in 2012. These types of media acquisitions prove that the first goal in the expansion of the ”Go Global” policy is media distribution. The CCP has expanded its influence overseas, arousing caution about media monopoly and the expansion of Chinese censorship.


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