

慈悲關懷社區是依公共衛生模式,將社區參與納入生命末期照護,整合醫療與社區資源以提升生命末期照護效益。「慈悲關懷城市憲章(Compassionate City Charter)」則是建構慈悲關懷社區的重要依據。加拿大自2011年開始推動慈悲關懷社區,其做法包括:成立全國性與區域性推動組織、對健康專業人員提供死亡教育、加強溝通與宣導活動、與其他團體建立夥伴關係、透過教育建構慈悲關懷社區、就業保障、慈悲關懷的職場文化、聯結宗教團體推動慈悲關懷社區理念。在國內,台北市立聯合醫院於2017年5月發表「以健康促進模式推動安寧緩和照護宣言」,將健康促進概念運用於生命末期照護。2018年4月6日台灣第一個慈悲關懷社區「士林舊街慈悲關懷社區」成立,結合信仰與醫療專業,建立社區為基礎的健康促進模式以改善生命末期照護品質。繼「士林舊街慈悲關懷社區」後,台北市陸續成立慈悲關懷社區於各行政區,截至2019年12月,台北市共成立20個慈悲關懷社區據點。台北市慈悲關懷社區推動近兩年快速進展,期望藉由醫療團隊與社區共同努力,從「生與死的智慧」、「人道照護」、「社會網絡」、「全程照護」四個面向改善生命末期個人與照顧者的生活品質。


The movement of compassionate community (CC) is a concept of public health approach of palliative care that includes the community into the end-of-life care, and medical and community resources are integrated to improve the effectiveness of care. The Compassionate City Charter is the basis of the CC movement today. Canada has promoted CC movement since 2011. Their approaches include initiating CC movement at regional, provincial, and national level, offering death education to health professionals, establishing communication campaigns, creating opportunities for partnerships and collaboration, building CC through education, creating compassionate workplaces, and building connection between faith communities and CC. The Taipei City Hospital published The 2017 Taipei Declaration for Health-Promoting Palliative Care with a wish to apply health promotion concept in end-of-life care. The first CC in Taiwan - Compassionate Community in Old Street Shilin, Taipei, was established on April 6th, 2018. Based on the cooperation of health care professionals and the faith community, the CC would attempt to improve the quality of end-of life care with community-based health promotion model. After the first CC, some other CCs were established subsequently in different districts in Taipei City. A total of 20 CC sites had been established in Taipei City till December 2019. The CC movement progressed rapidly for the last two years. With the cooperation of health care professionals and communities, we wish to further improve the life quality of the end-of-life individuals and the caregivers through four aspects, namely wisdom of life and death, humanistic care, social network, and holistic care.


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