  • 期刊


The Effectiveness of Applying an Interactive Response System for Geriatric Health Promotion in Communities




Objectives: Traditional health education often lacks such interaction and, consequently, its effectiveness is limited. The current aim is to improve our understanding of health education promotion among the elderly in the community through the integration of the Interactive Response System. Methods: This method is quasi-experimental in design. Measurements were taken of the 85 elderly participants both before and after the experiment, which were then compared. Results: This comparison is related to the identification and understanding of healthcare education, and it was analyzed by conducting a satisfaction survey using the system. The results of the comparison of the measurements of healthcare education taken before and after the experiment showed significant differences. Technology intervention in health promotion education was seen to be beneficial for increasing health awareness and learning effectiveness among the elderly residents. Meanwhile, the participants had higher scores of almost 5 for every item in the satisfaction investigation, revealing that technology intervention into health education results in a significantly higher degree of satisfaction. Applying the system enables the teachers to understand their students' learning situation. The interaction function not only improves interest but also enhances the interaction between the trainer and the trainees. Conclusions: As opposed to the traditional method of teaching, the system can raise learning effectiveness. The results of this assessment can be used to motivate elderly people to learn about healthcare and to build appropriate attitudes, that will encourage improvements in their behavior. Thus, healthcare recognition that maintains the best health condition through the process of instant interactive teaching and learning will promote geriatric health.
