  • 期刊

Acute Alcohol Intoxication in Newborn: A Case Report



The incidence of alcohol intoxication in pediatric group is unclear and occurrence of infant acute alcohol intoxication is rare. Infant acute alcohol intoxication may present with nonspecific symptoms and thus be underestimated. This case was a 12-day-old female infant presented with mental change and skin flushing after feeding with formula milk that was accidentally diluted with rice wine. She was diagnosed with acute alcohol intoxication with a blood alcohol level of 55mg/dl and hyperglycemia (180 mg/dl). The patient was recovered after intravenous fluid replacement without complications. To our knowledge, this case is the youngest patient of accidental acute alcohol intoxication described in literature who survived without complications. Although alcohol intoxication in young children is extremely rare, pediatricians should consider the possibility of alcohol intoxication when young children present with unexplained consciousness change at emergency department and should prepare optimal strategies and management, such as checking blood ethanol and glucose levels as well as applying intravenous fluid infusion. Child abuse or maltreatment should always be considered for the protection of children health and welfare.


急性酒精中毒在兒童是少見的情況,新生兒急性酒精中毒更是極為罕見的案例。兒科急性酒精中毒並無明確發生率,新生兒急性酒精中毒可能是以非特異性症狀來表現,因此有可能是被低估情形。本文提出一名僅有12天大新生兒喝了配方奶後,全身紅通通,眼神呆滯,倦怠無力偶而有些躁動呻吟。在急診測得血中酒精濃度以及血糖分別為55mg/dl 與180mg/dl。因此診斷為急性酒精中毒。此新生兒經過適當處置以及點滴治療,已經痊癒。此案例是目前因急性酒精中毒而存活並且沒有發生其他併發症最小新生兒。此篇病例提醒兒科醫師在急診遇到神智異常、倦怠而無法解釋其神智異常變化的兒科病患,尤其新生兒;應要隨時考慮是否有急性酒精中毒可能性,必須緊急做適當評估與處置。同時應評估是否為兒童虐待,及早發現而保障兒童健康福祉。


急性酒精中毒 新生兒 高血糖 低血糖 配方奶
