  • 期刊


Applying Neuman's System Model in Caring for Pulmonary Tuberculosis: A Case Report





This report describes a community care experience of a 76 years-old case with pulmonary tuberculosis who had drug non-compliance due to physiological discomforts caused by drug side effects and psychological impact caused by self-isolation. The duration of nursing care was from 15 August 2019 to 18 March 2020. Data were collected by home interview, direct observation, telephone interview, etc. By applying Neuman's Systems Model on overall assessment and data collection, the authors ascertained the altered nutrition status of the case: less than body requirements, medication non-compliance, and social isolation. The case had poor appetite due to poor knowledge and drug side effects, and thus, the authors designed individualized menus and provided nutrition education to help enhance his immunity and recover from the sickness. In addition, the DOTS program assisted the drug management, supervised daily drug administration, and discussed the treatment plan with the medical team to reduce drug side effects. As a result, it helped increase medication compliance of the case. Through active care and empathy, a nurse-patient trust was established, which led the case to understand the reasons for his self-isolation and cooperate in contact investigation. The authors also helped the case and family communicate through video communication to reduce a feeling of social isolation because of anxiety. The period of nursing care met the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic from January 2020. The transference of correct knowledge for epidemic prevention had reduced panic and enhanced the pandemic prevention capability of the case. Also, two latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) cases were encouraged to join the DOTS program by video communication. Both had accomplished the treatment and reduced the risk of subsequent onset risk. We expect to inform future nurse professionals in caring for cases with pulmonary tuberculosis through our nursing care experience.


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