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從職能培育考察台灣日文系課程架構的「語言與內容」|A Study on the "Language and Content" of Curriculums Offered by Departments of Japanese Language in Taiwan from the Perspective of Career Competence Development


「言語と内容」に注目する「内容言語統合型学習:Content and Language Integrated Learning(CLIL:クリル)」というアプローチが唱えられている。本稿は、台湾日本語学科カリキュラムにおける「言語と内容」の諸類型をキャリア形成の視点から考察し、カリキュラムの見直しの参考として供するものである。類型は主に、日本文学類、日本事情類、経済.経営類、ビジネス観光類、ICT類の5タイプである。キャリア形成の観点から、メリットとデメリットを分析した。本稿の考察により、課題として次の3点が得られた。学科の経営理念や方向性を時代の流れに鑑み再考する必要性がある。学科が欲しがる内容教師の育成が急務である。日本語教育の視点から、内容を融合したシラバス.アプローチとその教育実践の積み重ねが必要である。如何に日本語学科らしい日本語の「言語」能力を確保しながら、社会や企業のニーズに応える「内容」にも切り込み、学生にエンプロイアビリティ(employability)として身に付けさせるかは、日本語学科が常にチャレンジすべき課題である。


「語言與內容」整合的教學法CLIL(Content and Language Integrated Learning)受到語言教育學界的矚目。本文以職涯能力養成的觀點分析台灣日文系課程架構(curriculum)專業科目所呈現「語言與內容」類型之強弱點。期盼作為日文系課程架構省思與重構時之參考。課程概分為五類型:日本文學類、日本理解類、經濟企管類、商務觀光類、ICT類。本文分析各類型職涯能力表現上之強弱點。本考察意義有三:(1)學系經營理念及方向須斟酌時代趨勢進行調整(2)學系「內容教師」需計畫性進行培育(3)「語言與內容」融合上,授課內容(syllabus)、教學法、評量法,應累積實踐經驗提升品質。營運上,如何確保學習者日語能力能維持日文系該有的高水準,並因應時代擁有符合社會所需內容之知識與能力是關鍵點,培育學生被雇用能力(employability)之課題是日文系須面對的無止境挑戰。|This study analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of the types of "language and content" presented in professional subjects of curriculums offered by departments of Japanese language in Taiwan from the perspective of career competence development. Hopefully the findings can serve as references for departments of Japanese language for reflection and reconstruction of their curriculum structures. The courses can be classified into five categories: Japanese literature, Japanese comprehension, economics and management, business and tourism, and ICT. This study analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of career competence performances for each category. In terms of operation, how to ensure that learners' Japanese language abilities can maintain the high level required by departments of Japanese language and how to acquire knowledge and abilities that meet present-day social needs are the keys. The issue of cultivating students' employability is a challenge that departments of Japanese language always must face.|This study analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of the types of "language and content" presented in professional subjects of curriculums offered by departments of Japanese language in Taiwan from the perspective of career competence development. Hopefully the findings can serve as references for departments of Japanese language for reflection and reconstruction of their curriculum structures. The courses can be classified into five categories: Japanese literature, Japanese comprehension, economics and management, business and tourism, and ICT. This study analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of career competence performances for each category. In terms of operation, how to ensure that learners' Japanese language abilities can maintain the high level required by departments of Japanese language and how to acquire knowledge and abilities that meet present-day social needs are the keys. The issue of cultivating students' employability is a challenge that departments of Japanese language always must face.


大川英明(2011)「日本事情の知識:歴史、経済、法律、政治編」『関西外国語大学留学生別科日本語教育論集』第 21 号 pp.37-70
尾崎明人(2017)「グローバル人材育成のための日本語教育のアプローチ―内容言語統合型学習(CLIL)に着目して―」『銘傳日本語教育』第 20 号 pp.25-38
