  • 期刊


A Powerful Instrument for Mechanics Experiments: Air Hover Puck


對於力學的教學,我們一直欠缺一個簡單、低成本易上手的演示與實驗設備。在此我們參考運動玩具-桌上氣墊曲棍球,設計一個以紙為材質的氣浮球,它利用氣墊船原理,以常見之電子元件為素材,並建立製作程序,讓國高中的學生利用電烙鐵、釘錘、斬刀等工具在兩小時內完成一個氣浮球,並進行平面運動及斜面運動以測試牛頓定律,在實驗中,我們鼓勵學生使用自己的智慧型手機或數位相機錄下運動軌跡並在個人電腦上利用公共授權軟體Tracker for Video Analysis將數位影像轉換為數據,分析及歸納實驗結果。氣浮球加上數位相機及分析軟體可形成完美組合幾乎涵蓋所有力學實驗,配合個人電腦可在實驗室、教室甚至家中進行演示或實驗,它低成本、易維修可讓每個學生都擁有一個作為學習力學的工具,使得力學理論可以具像化,相信一定有助於物理的學習。


氣浮球 力學實驗


For the mechanics teaching instruction, we are always lack of easy, low cost and handy instruments for demonstration and experiment activities. In here, we are inspired by a sport toy, air hover puck, to developing a DIY program. In this program, we trained the high school students to use hand tools like solders and cutting knifes and complete an air hover puck within 3 hours. Later, we instructed the students using their finished toys to perform two mechanics experiments: motion in a horizontal surface and a slope. By using digital cameras or cellular phone to record the motions of air hover pucks, students finally operated the analysis software Tracker to analyze the motion. Air hover pucks are easy to build and easy to demonstrate the behavior of motion without friction. It should be a useful instrument for learning mechanics.
