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【論文摘要】Case Report: Knee Extension Lag Post Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Surgery Improved After 4 Weeks Eccentric Contraction With Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Intervention



Background and Purpose: There are many compliances that occurred on anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) patients, including knee joint infection, range of motion limitation, muscle strength insufficiency, loading asymmetric, poor neuromuscular control, which will also contributed to abnormal gait pattern that influenced daily activities. This paper described a patient after ACLR, complicated with extension lag and terminal knee extension deficit, restored normal gait pattern after 4 weeks physical therapy (PT) intervention. Methods: A 24-years old male received ACLR with hamstring allograft two months after volleyball injury and started physical therapy 8 weeks after surgery. However, the patient still suffered from active and passive knee extension motion post-surgery 13 weeks, which lead to abnormal gait pattern. The physical intervention focused on neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) with quadriceps eccentric contraction to improving neuromuscular control. Otherwise, core control and balance training also were included in PT intervention. Outcome measurements were evaluated by International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) and Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS). Results: After 4 weeks intervention, the patient achieved non-weight bearing full knee passive and active range of motion (ROM). He could also achieved full knee extension during midstance and terminal stance phase. Although the scores of IKDC and KOOS didn't meet the significant difference. However, the movement of stairs climbing was smooth, and patient satisfied with the outcome of 4 weeks intervention. Conclusions: Quadriceps eccentric contraction with NMES training helps patients after ACLR regaining normal knee ROM, which can improve patients' daily activities function in 4 weeks. Clinical Relevance: Intervention with quadriceps eccentric exercise integrated with NMES could help patients post-ACLR with knee extension deficient to restore quadriceps function and gait pattern after 4 weeks training.


