  • 期刊


The Study of High School Students' Hands-on Workshop: A Case Study of Sterling Engine Model Making Workshop Conducted by National Museum of Natural Science


近年來大眾科學教育領域倡導「動手作科學」,無論是科學展演機構或大專院校、民間團體辦理的科學研習活動都包含實作的課程在內。然而這些實作課程是否能達成活動規劃時預設的促進科學原理瞭解、培養科學態度、增進學習意願等目標,較少被論及。 本研究對國立自然科學博物館「高中學生的史特林引擎模型組裝研習」活動之發展與執行過程進行分析,資料取自4梯次高中職學生史特林引擎組裝研習,以現場觀察、半結構晤談,探討高中學生組裝模型、排除問題的行爲,並以電話追蹤訪談及學員問卷,調查參加學生對研習活動的記憶、感想。研究發現高中學生參與科學研習活動的原因,除了興趣之外,同儕、費用都是重要因素,並將研習間參加者慣用的組裝模型行爲歸納爲4種類型。


The concept of thermodynamics is an important field in physics. The materials in citizenships education focus on the phenomena of what heat makes only, rare to talking about the application and characters of heat. But there are lots of mechanics that their functions relate to thermodynamics closely in daily life. Once the social education faculties introduce the thermodynamics concepts to publics, those concepts are too abstract to communicate with people. In this project, we introduce some basic concepts about thermodynamics by way of making a model of Sterling engine that can work. The Sterling Engine we used in the workshop designed by Dr. Chou, Chien-Heng that was the simplest and easiest one to build by high school students. We provided a module for students to learn how heat work and trying to enhance the efficiency of the engine. It is good for learning by doing. The study for how high school students thinking about heat, conducted by interview telephone-tracing interview and questionnaire. From the observation of working process, we find there were 4 patterns, which students often use in model making. Then described the practitioners benefits from this project and their contributions.
