  • 期刊


Walking Beside Him: Narrative Research About the Life of an Autistic Child's Father




Through this research, we came to realize how difficult it is for a father to accompany an autistic child, as well as all the requirements needed by the father when teaching. Furthermore, our research revealed how the problems and phenomena in teaching environment affect autistic kids. Therefore, I present some ideas in this paper, including the elements helping the autistic child's father's advocacy, how the system assists the disabled, the mental needs that the parents wants to be understood, taking the bullying phenomenon in the school seriously, reinforcing the teachers' moral responsibilities, curing PTSD, understanding autistic kids well, recognizing the importance of how the disabled settle into adulthood after they have grown up, and other considerations. Thus, whether we are members of educational units, medical therapy units or social affairs units, if we can understand the needs of autistic children' parents before offering them services, then we can provide the most appropriate assistance for the parents. I believe that doing so will yield good results in the service that we are promoting. Facing the problem directly is the beginning of problem-solving.


涂妙如(2007)。以生態系統論評析國內近二十年來「父職角色」之研究脈絡。弘光學報,50,199-220。 doi: 10.6615/HAR.200705.50.15
Gray, D. E. (2006). Coping over time: the parents of children with autism. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 50(12), 970-976. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2788.2006.00933.x
