  • 期刊


A Discussion of the Application of Motivational Interviewing on Vocational Rehabilitation Services for Persons with Disabilities


國內職業重建服務(以下簡稱「職重服務」)在協助身心障礙者就業扮演很重要的關鍵角色,如何增進服務對象接受服務的意願,有機會完成職重服務達成職涯目標值得關注。本文將介紹具實證支持之晤談與互動方法—動機式晤談(Motivational Interviewing)之理念與技術,並嘗試闡述於職重服務情境下動機式晤談可能的應用及效益。


Vocational rehabilitation services play a very important key role in assisting in the employment of persons with disabilities. It is worth paying attention to how to increase the willingness of service recipients to receive services and obtain appropriate vocational rehabilitation services to achieve career goals. This article will introduce the concept and technology of motivational interviewing, an interview and interaction method with empirical support, and try to explore the possible applications and benefits of motivational interviewing in the context of vocational rehabilitation services.


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