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A Study on the Relationship Between Biological Robust Assessment and Learning Style of Senior High School Gifted Students


本研究探討高中數理資優班學生的不同學習風格在生物科跑臺測驗(robust assessment)與回饋的情形之差異。採調查研究設計。依據高中數理資優班學生在生物科跑臺測驗、學習風格量表、回饋問卷結果進行獨立樣本t檢定、相關分析,以了解研究對象的情形及不同個人學習風格其生物科跑臺測驗之差異。研究結果如下:1.視覺型資優學生在植物營養、動物消化與循環、整體生物科跑臺測驗的單元內容表現較語言型有顯著差異,視覺型程度與上述單元內容表現呈現正相關。2.感官型資優學生在生物科跑臺測驗中思考智能的探究實作表現較直覺型為高。視覺型資優學生在問題解決生物科跑臺測驗的探究實作表現較語言型有顯著差異,視覺型程度與問題解決表現呈現正相關。


This study aimed to explore the differences in learning style on senior high school gifted students' performance in biological robust assessment. Survey research was adopted in this study. T-test and correlation analysis were applied in data analysis. In addition, feedback questionnaire was also analyzed by qualitative method. Results were as follows: 1. The visual type group performed better than the verbal type group on the plant nutrition, animal digestion and circulation, and overall at the biological robust assessment. There was also a positive relationship between the degree of visual type and aforementioned unit performance. 2. The sensing type group performed better than the intuitive type group on the thinking skill at the biological robust assessment. The visual type group perform better than the verbal type group on the problem-solving skill at the biological robust assessment. There was also a positive relationship between the degree of visual type and the program-solving skill.


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