  • 期刊


A Study of Junior-College Students' Response to Crawl-Stroke Swimming Teaching


本研究的敎學實驗,以醫護專校80年度護理科一年級51位新生爲對象,採隨機分組爲單邊換氣組(簡稱單換組)與雙邊換氣組(簡稱雙換組),兩組分別接受18節的捷泳換氣敎學課程。研究目地是探討兩組間學習成績評量是否有差異及瞭解影響學習的相關因素。本研究資料取自於(1)實驗前與後之人體機能測量(2)實驗間捷泳技能測驗(3)實驗後的學習心得調查。採用SAS6. 04版統計軟體,計算兩組各項目的人體機能其實驗前與實驗後之相關性,以T考驗檢定實驗中兩組間捷泳技能學習成績是否有顯著差異,再以百分比分析學習情緒反應。將研究所得的結果經分析與討論後得下列結論: ㈠兩組的學生在實驗後之人體機能皆有顯著進步。但因皆爲初學者,故雖經過18節的敎學學習,兩組間的人體機能與技能成績測驗大都未達顯著差異。如能增強其刺激或施予不同的敎學課程及方法,相信在學習成果上將有顯著差異。 ㈡大部份的學生及父母已肯定游泳的重要性,對游泳的學習興趣非常高昂,但因皆爲初學者,故學習後其學習成果不甚理想,尤其是換氣動作,致使學習過程中深感挫折。爲師者應針對學生的學習心理癥結,予以輔導以增進其自信心,並進而探討其在敎學的設計及執行上是否有缺失,以突破換氣學習之困難。




The study is conducted on 51 first-year nursing students at a private junior-college who are randomly divided into 2 groups: the sigle-ventilation group and the bilateral ventilation group to investigate (1) the differneces of the learning result between 2 groups (2) the psychological factors related to learning. All data of the study is processed by using SAS statistical software and T-distribution Calculation Model, in accordance with the information concerning stundents' body operational function in pre-and-post experimental stages, the crawl-stroke swimming skill test in the Mid-experimental stage and students' learning response to the post-experimental stage. In addition, the data in the study can further help physical teachers to understand if students evidently achieve different scores during experiments, and to analyze students' emotional response in crawl-stoke swimming. The study is concluded as follows: (1) Students' body operational function of these 2 groups evidently progress to a centain level, but rather to a satisfactory level, since students in both groups are new learners in swimming. Thus, it is believable that they may progress more if they are given more training, and good instruction by experienced teachers. (2)Most of students' parents have recognized the importance of swimming. As new learners, however, students in two groups seem to be easily frustrated at the result in learing swimming, especially in learning the act of ventilation and to settle problems concerning the, psychological factors in all students by improving their lesson plans and pedagogical skills.




