  • 期刊


Effects of biomechanics characteristics during eccentric phase of jumping action on jumping performance


透過測力板輔助跳躍測試以進行下肢動態肌力的科學化評估,是當前運動科學研究與運動訓練檢測等面向上重要且具意義的手段。其中下蹲跳與著地反彈跳是經常被採用的測試動作,因其包含了多數運動中的牽張-收縮循環(stretch-shortening cycle, SSC)動作特徵,依學理此機制有助於肌肉力量表現提升,進而增進跳躍表現。而當前多數研究分析較聚焦於向心推蹬階段的表現,但從SSC的基礎機制思考,下蹲離心階段的特性應是影響向心推蹬階段表現的要素,其彼此之關聯又可視為SSC效益。因此,本文透過相關文獻統整,以SSC效益評估為出發,並進一步論述離心階段的地面反作用力特徵和SSC效益、跳躍表現之關聯,以及提升此階段SSC效益的手段。以此,期可釐清以測力板進行下肢動態肌力檢測時,應觀察的面向與意義,以提供相關從業人員更完整的科學化評估藍圖。


The scientific evaluation of the dynamic muscle strength of the lower extremities through the force plate-assisted jump test is an important and meaningful method for current sports science research and sports training testing. The countermovement jump and drop jump are frequently used test movements because they incorporate the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) characteristic of most sports. According to the theory, this mechanism helps to improve the muscle strength, thereby improving the performance of jumping. Most of the current research analyses focus on the performance of the concentric phase. However, considering the basic mechanism of SSC, the characteristics of the eccentric phase should be the factors that affect the performance of the concentric phase, and their correlation can be regarded as the benefit of SSC. Therefore, this article evaluates the benefits of SSC, and discusses the relationship between the characteristics of ground reaction force during the eccentric phase and the benefits of SSC and jumping performance, as well as the means to improve the benefits of SSC in this stage. Hopefully, this article can clarify the aspects and meanings that should be observed when using force plates for dynamic muscle strength testing of lower extremities, so as to provide relevant practitioners with a more complete blueprint for scientific evaluation.


stretch-shortening cycle force power stiffness shape factor


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