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Effects of β-alanine supplementation on sport performance and cognitive function in combat sports athletes


根據澳洲體育學會(Australian Institute of Sport, AIS)2021年版運動營養增補劑ABCD分類系統中,β-丙胺酸為A等級之運動增補劑。研究結果證明每日增補β-丙胺酸1.6~6.4克,持續2~24週,有助於提升肌肉內肌肽濃度,以維持肌肉內酸鹼值平衡、抗氧化、增加鈣離子敏感度等功能,更利於高強度運動的維持及疲勞恢復。相關研究亦顯示技擊類運動屬於高強度與間歇性質,以β-丙胺酸應用於拳擊、柔道、跆拳道、角力項目,其針對不同類型技擊運動之增補效益以達到提升運動能力指標與運動表現。β-丙胺酸也可維持菁英運動選手無氧代謝能力與反覆衝刺能力,以成為運動表現的關鍵因素。運動員在賽前面臨之身心壓力以及賽中疲勞而影響認知與情緒,β-丙胺酸增補與大腦認知能力和情緒之關聯已於動物實驗中被證實,但於人體實驗中尚未達到一致的結論。藉由了解β-丙胺酸增補如何應用於技擊運動,進一步影響技擊選手運動專項表現、大腦健康及認知功能以及生理反應。未來可針對β-丙胺酸增補對於運動選手做更深入的探討。


β-Alanine is a Group A sport nutrition supplement according to the ABCD classification system (2021 edition) of the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS). The research results have shown that β-alanine supplementation of 1.6-6.4 g per day for 2-24 weeks can increase the concentration of carnosine in the muscle to maintain the pH balance, anti-oxidation, and increase the sensitivity of calcium ion. It is more conducive to the maintenance of high-intensity exercise and fatigue recovery. The relevant studies have also shown that combat sports are high-intensity interval training, and β-alanine is used in boxing, judo, taekwondo, and wrestling. The supplementary benefits for different types of combat sports are to achieve the improvement of sports ability indicators and performance. β-Alanine can also maintain the anaerobic metabolism and repeated sprint ability of elite athletes to be a key factor in sports performance. The physical and mental stress faced by athletes before the competition and the fatigue during the competition affect cognition and emotion. The relationship between β-alanine supplementation and brain cognitive ability and emotion has been confirmed in animal experiments, but no consistent conclusions have been reached in human studies. By understanding how β-alanine supplementation is applied to combat sports, and it further affects the sports performance, brain health, cognitive function, and physiological response of combat athletes. β-Alanine supplementation can be used to conduct more in-depth investigations in athletes in the near future.


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