  • 期刊


Injury Risk Screen, Corrective Exercise and Training Program for Lower Extremity-Example by FMS Deep Squat


運動訓練的第一步驟是預防運動傷害,次之是提昇運動表現。部分選手常常抱怨身上有疼痛,休息停練後,情況好轉,一回到訓練場上,疼痛又再度找上門,或許這意味著訓練的環節出現問題,少部分運動員習慣追求重的訓練量,卻沒有好的動作品質。動作模式不正確,可能是過度發展單側肌肉群或缺乏正確訓練技術等,隨著時間推移,因而發展出不對稱或不平衡的肢體而導致傷害風險的增加。運動傷害的種類繁多,本文藉由功能性動作篩檢(functional movement screen, FMS),藉由FMS其中1項:過頭深蹲(deep squat, DS)介紹可能看出的問題與解決辦法,與國內各級教練作為交流管道。




The first step of sport training is injury prevention, and second step is performance enhancement. However, some athletes in Taiwan pursuing only as large quantity of training, neglecting the quality of movement, which may cause injury. Athletes demonstrating poor functional movement patterns should seek to regain these fundamental building blocks before focusing on other attributes of fitness, such as strength, speed, power and endurance. Necessary injuries have occurred because athletes have focused more on the quantity of their workout statistics (sets, reps and weight) than the quality and technique of their movements. Through FMS (Functional Movement Screen), this article made further investigation into injury risk screen, corrective exercise and training program, seeking to provide a better and safer way of enhancing performance for today's athletic.


FMS functional movement patterns


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