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The Effects of Intermittent Pneumatic Compression on Recovery after Exercise


間歇充氣加壓指於人體肢段穿著一種特製袖套,透過幫浦以間歇方式進行短暫且循環性的加壓與減壓之方法;其效果類似肌肉幫浦作用,能增加血流量以促進組織充血。除了臨床上使用於消除腫脹與治療血管相關疾病外,亦能被應用於促進運動後疲勞之恢復。本文以intermittent pneumatic compression加上exercise、sport、performance或recovery等關鍵字於PubMed、Sportdiscus、Google Scholar等資料庫搜尋,結果發現僅6篇文獻探討間歇充氣加壓對運動後人體生理與運動能力恢復之相關研究,整理現有相關文獻後發現,激烈運動後進行3分鐘以上不等時間之間歇充氣加壓處理,能減少血乳酸堆積、肌肉疲勞、痠痛感、腫脹與僵硬,且延長運動至力竭時間與提升垂直跳表現。但目前間歇充氣加壓,與運動誘發肌肉損傷之研究結果並不一致,探究其原因,可能為間歇充氣加壓處理部位與流程之差異。未來研究可針對間歇充氣加壓的處理部位、加壓壓力、頻率與處理時間作進一步探討,以建立最佳化的間歇充氣加壓模式並確認其效益。


Intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) refers to the manner of repeated cycles of short-term, intermittent inflating/deflating compression via particular sleeves with external pumps. The effect of IPC is similar to muscle pump which can increase blood flow and induce hyperemia of tissues. IPC was used to attenuate swell and cure the relating diseases of vascular in clinic treatment. IPC was also applied to the recovery from exercise inducing fatigue. We searched Web of PubMed, Sportdiscus, and Google Scholar using the search term "intermittent pneumatic compression",in combination with "exercise", "sport", "performance" or "recovery" The result showed that only 6 studies investigated the effects of IPC on recovery of physical condition and exercise capacity after exercise. This article reviewed the relative literatures of IPC and summarized that IPC intervention for more than 3 minutes after exercise could reduce blood lactate and the fatigue, soreness, swelling, and stiffness of muscle. It could also enhance improving time to exhaustion and vertical jump performance. However, results of IPC on exercise-induced muscle damage were inconsistent. It may due to the differences of IPC protocol. We suggest future studies can focus on the issue of position, pressure, frequency, and time of IPC treatment to establish an optimal IPC model and confirm its benefits.


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