  • 期刊


Diversified Innovation Strategies for an Early Limb Rehabilitation Program in Patients With Stroke




Background & Problems: Early rehabilitation after stroke is important for the recovery of bodily functions in stroke patients. However, the percentage of completion of early limb rehabilitation among stroke patients is only 16%. Purpose: Raise the early rehabilitation intervention rate to 88% for patients with stroke within 24 hours of hospitalization. Resolution: We developed an education course on post-stroke rehabilitation and a related e-Learning course as well as organized an 'alliance for recovery' team. In addition, we established a standard for post-stroke relay rehabilitation and designed rehabilitation relay cards, Xbox rehabilitation games, and nine squares challenge for brain stroke care. Result: The accuracy of the knowledge of nursing staff related to physical rehabilitation improved from 72.4% to 100%; the accuracy of their perceptions regarding early limb rehabilitation increased from 16% to 100%; and patient satisfaction increased from 68% to 98%. Conclusions: We deployed diverse and innovative strategies to assist limb rehabilitation in patients with stroke. Patients and caregivers should be encouraged to participate in early rehabilitation and related programs and should apply the skills and rehabilitation activities learned to daily life.


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