  • 期刊


Application of Epigenetics in Perinatal Nursing Care


表觀遺傳學是20世紀80年代從生物醫學逐漸擴展的新領域, 指的是在不改變DNA(DeoxyriboNucleic Acid)序列的前提下,通過某些機制引起可遺傳的基因表態的變化,且這種遺傳表徵的變化不僅影響這一代,也會傳遞給下一代。人的基因圖譜及健康不僅在受孕時決定,從表觀遺傳學的角度,周產期的照護措施也攸關此胎嬰兒與其子代基因的表現與母嬰之健康。因此,確保母嬰得到適切的營養、減少母嬰壓力、推動溫柔生產照護、推廣完全母奶哺育,以及環境中避免母嬰接觸毒性物質,將可優化母嬰與後代的身心健康。


Epigenetics is a field of biomedicine that expanded tremendously during the 1980s. Epigenetics is the study of heritable changes in gene expression independent of underlying DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid) sequence, which not only affect this generation but will be passed to subsequent generations. Although conception is the critical moment for making decisions regarding gene mapping and fetal health, studies have shown that perinatal nursing care practices also affect the genetic remodeling processes and the subsequent health of the mother and her offspring. To optimize maternal-infant and the offspring health, it is important to ensure that the new mother get adequate nutrition, reduce stress levels, adopt gentle birth practices, facilitate exclusive breastfeeding, and avoid contacting toxic substances.


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