  • 期刊


Chewing Screen and Interventions for Older Adults




Seeing older adults with nasogastric (NG) tubes in nursing homes is an unfortunately widespread phenomenon in Taiwan. NG tubes deprive the wearer of the tastes, smells, and joys of food and have been associated with malnutrition and increased susceptibility to aspiration pneumonia. In our studies, we found that 43% of nursing home residents in Taiwan are intubated with an NG tube and revealed a significant lower body mass index and hypoalbuminemia in these residents. In addition, the prevalence of dysphagia in residents of long-term care institutions was found to be greater than 60%. Older adults with dysphagia usually rely on liquid diets, which are frequently low in fiber, fruit, vegetable, and cereal contents. It is well known that diets low in fiber and vegetables increase the risks of constipation and cardiovascular events in older adults. A low intake of plant flavanols may also make older adults more susceptible to chronic inflammation. A high intake of red meats, eggs, or seafood may nurture gut microorganisms that catabolize carnitine and choline to trimethylamine-N oxide and which have been significantly linked to cardiovascular diseases and increased mortality. In contrast, eating plant vegetables and cereals is known to nurture better microbiota that produce short chain fatty acids, which, in turn, nurture enterocytes and improve immunity and brain health. Thus, the aims of this article are to demonstrate how to assess elders with chewing difficulty and dysphagia and to provide functional food scales for the classification, training, and care of active-aging nutrition. Through this article, we anticipate helping long-term care caregivers master key techniques for training and caring for elders with chewing difficulties and/or dysphagia. This article is also expected to 1) improve the nutrition of elders and satisfaction with feeding, 2) improve chewing and dysphagia care and training in long-term care institutions, and 3) avoid NG tube institution and aspiration pneumonia. The suggestions of this article may be used in the future to assist long-term care units across the interdisciplinary care providers teams to promote chewing instruction, swallowing care training, and active aging, appropriate nutrition, and health in older adult populations.


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