  • 期刊


Nursing Care of a Preschool-Age Child with Cellulites Induced by Phagocyte Deficiency




Phagocyte, the first inflammatory response of the immune system, is an important component of the wound healing process. For children with low immunity who suffer from phagocyte deficiency, even a small wound will result in a rapid response to systemic infection, poor wound healing, and hospitalization for treatment. Such treatments often bring enormous pressure to bear on the child, with serious impacts on his or her psychological well-being as well as on that of the family. This paper applies the concept of preschool-age child development and ”TIME” criteria proposed by Dr. Schultz to assess pathological changes in poor healing wounds in order to promote wound healing and shorten necessary hospitalization times. Teaching the primary caregiver (oftentimes the patient’s mother) adequate at-home wound dressing skills to reduce re-admission rates is also a main focus of nursing care. This article integrates related articles in the literature with a case analysis by reporting on an individualized nursing intervention for a child with cellulites induced by phagocyte deficiency. It is hoped that recommendations provide a valuable clinical reference for nursing colleagues to care for children suffering from phagocyte deficiency.


