  • 期刊


Critical Factors Affecting Nurse Use of In-Hospital Employee Communication Networks


背景 護理人員於服務過程中,掩飾或壓抑其真實的感受愈多,愈容易有情緒耗竭的現象產生。由於護理人力荒已是全球的議題,為因應國內護理人員高達35%的離職率,建立合適之平台或管道,紓解護理人員之情緒勞務,實為當前護理界之重要議題之一。目的 本研究針對已建置員工交流平台的個案醫院,透過調查護理人員使用該資訊平台的現況,試圖尋找影響使用院內員工交流網之因素,以提出具體有用之研究建議,進而降低護理人員情緒耗竭之產生。方法 本研究採用問卷調查法,針對個案醫院之護理人員,通過某醫院人體試驗委員會後,依研究對象所屬部門分佈比率,以分層抽樣法,進行問卷調查。結果 問卷共發放80份,回收率為80%,皆為有效問卷。受測者使用員工交流網之使用經驗為:有使用者為未使用者之三倍;近六成沒使用的原因為沒興趣。使用動機之主因為消遣娛樂與學習,而與情緒動機相關的原因,則包含抒發情緒及情緒支持各佔3~4成。結論/實務應用 院內員工交流網的發展趨勢,除應增加其豐富性外,院方高層人員更應當重視員工所抒發的內容並適時給予回應,以便讓院內員工交流網達到初始建置的目的,促使護理人員能適切地透過該平台抒發情緒,並藉由資訊分享提高護理人員獲取新知與交流的機會,讓院方與員工達到雙贏之利益,進而降低產生職業倦怠的可能性。


Background: Level of concealment/suppression of true feelings in the course of carrying out nursing duties relates positively to risk of emotional exhaustion and burnout. Therefore, nurses need channels to release and reduce emotional stressors.Purpose: We surveyed nurse use of an In-Hospital Employee Communication Network (IECN) to identify its efficacy as well as factors that influence nurse IECN use. This paper also provides research suggestions to help further reduce emotional exhaustion and burnout in nurses. Methods: We chose a region hospital as our case hospital and received Institution Review Board (IRB) approval for this study. A stratified sampling approach that reflected the ratio of staff in each department was used to distribute the questionnaires at the case hospital.Results: 80 questionnaires were sent out with a response rate of 80%. All returned questionnaires were qualified as valid responses. IECN users numbered three times more than non-users. Nearly sixty percent of non-users did not use IECN due to, ”lack of interest in the IECN.” About half of the users have more than four years' experience with IECN. Primary motivations for using the IECN were entertainment, learning, and emotional relaxation, e.g., expressing emotions (43.8%) and emotional support (31.3%).Conclusions/Implications for Practice: IECN may be improved by enriching content to increase readability. Hospital managers should pay attention to network content and give timely feedback to improve nurse communication and effectively relieve emotional stresses to reduce risks of emotional exhaustion and burnout. Increasing opportunities for nurses to obtain new knowledge through information sharing via IECN can achieve a win-win situation for both the hospital and its employees.
