  • 期刊


The Effects of a Massage Intervention in Patients with Cancer Pain: An Evidence-Based Approach




Pain occurs in approximately 25% of patients with newly diagnosed cancer, 33% of patients undergoing cancer treatment, and 75% of patients in the advanced stages of cancer. Pain may disrupt activities of daily living and degrade quality of life. Educating patients and their caregivers about non-pharmacological pain management (i.e., massage) is a function of oncology nursing. Massage is one intervention used in pain relief. A number of pain-relief-related mechanisms of massage have been posited including: gate control, the promotion of para-sympathetic activity, influence on body chemistry, mechanical effects, and the promotion of restorative sleep. In addition to pain relief, massage has been shown to positively affect both physical and psychological-related symptom distress, to decrease stress, and to improve immunity. In order to reflect evidence-based nursing principles and achieve optimal efficacy, trained nurses or caregivers must follow standardized safety and massage protocols as well as establish an appropriate therapeutic environment, set an appropriate massage duration, use appropriate techniques, and consider the concurrent use of appropriate complementary alternative medicine techniques/therapies. As a result, clinicians may effectively translate current research evidence into best practices and improve the pain management efficacy of cancer patients and their caregivers.


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