  • 期刊


Physician and Nurse Views Regarding the Role and Functions of Nurse Practitioners and Related Factors: An Exploratory Study


The purpose of this study was to investigate physician and nurse views regarding the role and functions of nurse practitioners and related factors. A cross-sectional survey was conducted at a medical center in central Taiwan. The study sample included nursing staffs, nursing administrators, and physicians. A structured questionnaire was developed to collect data, which had a content validity index of .89 and a Cronbach's α value of .97. A total of 405 questionnaires were distributed, of which 363 valid returns (89.6%) were included in formal analysis work. Results showed that: (1) Physicians and nursing administrators achieved the highest role and function viewpoint scores of all participant subgroups; (2) On average, participants scored highest on patient-care capability and lowest on role identification; (3) There was a negative correlation between the variables of age and nurse seniority and role and function variables; and (4) Professional title, education level, and work unit type all significantly influenced physician and nurse views regarding nurse practictioners (p<.05). Study results may help facilitate better understanding of nurse practitioner development. The authors suggest that hospital administrations work to promote the nurse practitioner system in order to help nurse practitioners develop their role and functions and improve professional competencies, which is essential to raising the opinion nurse practitioners among others in the healthcare sector.


The purpose of this study was to investigate physician and nurse views regarding the role and functions of nurse practitioners and related factors. A cross-sectional survey was conducted at a medical center in central Taiwan. The study sample included nursing staffs, nursing administrators, and physicians. A structured questionnaire was developed to collect data, which had a content validity index of .89 and a Cronbach's α value of .97. A total of 405 questionnaires were distributed, of which 363 valid returns (89.6%) were included in formal analysis work. Results showed that: (1) Physicians and nursing administrators achieved the highest role and function viewpoint scores of all participant subgroups; (2) On average, participants scored highest on patient-care capability and lowest on role identification; (3) There was a negative correlation between the variables of age and nurse seniority and role and function variables; and (4) Professional title, education level, and work unit type all significantly influenced physician and nurse views regarding nurse practictioners (p<.05). Study results may help facilitate better understanding of nurse practitioner development. The authors suggest that hospital administrations work to promote the nurse practitioner system in order to help nurse practitioners develop their role and functions and improve professional competencies, which is essential to raising the opinion nurse practitioners among others in the healthcare sector.


