  • 期刊


The Self-Management Living Experience of Patients with Chronic Obstruction Pulmonary Disease


背景 慢性阻塞性肺疾病病患之病程,是一漫長的過程且無法治癒,病患之居家自我管理計畫對慢性阻塞性肺疾病,將可有效控制病程進展,且具有關鍵性意義。 目的 瞭解慢性阻塞性肺疾病病患對自我管理生活經驗的詮釋與自我觀感。 方法 研究設計採質性研究法進行收案,以半結構式訪談指引進行深度訪談。資料收集期間為民國96年4月至96年7月,於北部某醫學中心胸腔內科,以立意取樣方式進行收案直到資料飽和為止。 結果 本研究共訪談十二位慢性阻塞性肺疾病病患,訪談資料以質性分析方式進行資料歸類並形成範疇。研究主題經分析歸納出四個主要主題:㈠傾聽身體的聲音,觀察身體的變化;㈡發展預防性健康行為;㈢採取疾病發作之處理策略;㈣自我管理執行的困窘。 結論/實務應用 本研究之發現,將提供臨床醫療團隊建立慢性阻塞性肺疾病病患自我管理規劃設計之參考,作為慢性阻塞性肺疾病病患照護計畫的基礎,設計真正有效且符合病患日常生活簡易執行的自我管理計畫,使慢性阻塞性肺疾病病患能在艱困的處境當中運用現有的資源,與疾病和平共處。


Background: Chronic Obstruction Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is an incurable and chronic disease. The success achieved by the patient in self-managing COPD is important to its effective control. Purpose: The purpose of this qualitative research was to explore the self-management living experiences of patients with COPD. Methods: A qualitative approach was employed in this study. Between April and July 2007, twelve patients were screened and chosen from a medical center in Lin-Kou for in-depth semi-structured interviews. Interviews were transcribed verbatim for content analysis. Results: Study results showed that the living experience of self-management in patients with COPD may be categorized into four primary themes: (1) Observation and feeling bodily changes; (2) Developing a preventive health program; (3) Adapting to the assigned illness management plan; and (4) Encountering problems with implementing selfmanagement. Conclusions/Implications for Practice: Study findings have enhanced understanding of what is needed in selfmanagement. In addition, critical medical care procedural needs were identified and may be used to set up an appropriate management program for COPD patients.


COPD self-management qualitative


