  • 期刊


A Study of Member-Choice Management Platform for Pension Funds


為了提升我國新制勞退基金經營管理績效,本研究參考相關文獻與先進國家退休金制度的實施經驗,建議勞退新制開放自選平台方案:採單一帳戶具可攜式和連續性,簡化帳戶管理;採政府與民營共管架構,保有二年定期存款保證收益方案供勞工選擇;採自動加入機制,預先設定自提比率3%,每遇加薪超過1%時自動提高提撥比率0.5%直到上限,簡單方便;自提比率上限由現行6%調升至先進國家水準12%,鼓勵儲蓄,但超過6%部分無賦稅優惠;勞工可隨時自行申請調整提撥比率,保有彈性選擇;目標期限型基金為預設標的基金,降低無退休理財觀念或無暇投資理財勞工之投資困擾,該基金以生命週期投資理論建構,依據勞工距退休日期作風險評估與資產配置。Thaler and Benartzi(2004)運用行為經濟學的推力觀念,設計明天存更多(Save More Tomorrow; SMT)退休金方案,大幅提高雇員的自提參加意願與自提比率,值得台灣設計自選平台時參考。


In order to strengthen the performance of Taiwan's New Labor Pension Fund, this study reviews the pension-related literature and investigates the reform experience in selected developed economies. We suggest a member-choice management platform with the following characteristics: one pension account only for every employee for management convenience, a management structure offering both private services and government services with a guarantee of two-year deposit returns, automotive enrollment with a default savings rate of 3% and automotive escalation linking saving increases to pay increases, raising the savings rate limit from 6% to 12% with no tax benefit for savings above 6%, and target date funds as the default funds by applying life-cyle investment theory to make asset allocation for employees with different retirement dates. Thaler and Benartzi (2004) apply the nudge concept in behavioral economics to design a pension management program, called Save More Tomorrow (SMT). Our suggestion is to take the SMT program as reference when we design Taiwan's member-choice management platform since SMT has significantly increased both pension enrollment rates and savings rates in developed economies.


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