  • 期刊


Huei Dong and Establishment of Paradigm of Sinology of Confucianism in Qing Dynasty Zhang Lizhu, Professor of Department of Chinese Literature, National Changhua University of Education


清代是我國的經學復盛時代;在儒學的漫長演進歷程中,《五經》傳統與《四書》傳統是各領時代風騷的兩大脈絡,在宋明清近千年的學術發展中,緊接著宋明理學之後的清學,就是以回歸經學傳統宣示其對於儒學統緒之繼承的。因此清儒對漢代經師經注之推崇備至,即以其師法、家法傳授,學有所本而能夠傳承聖學也。 清代首標漢幟以引領一代學風者,是惠棟;他通過輯存漢儒「古義」並據以解經之「漢學解經」進路,樹立起清代經學的「漢學」典範,也為乾嘉考據學立下了普遍獲得遵循的解經規範。惠棟精湛經術、著作眾多,他在《九經古義》之輯存舊注以外,更有立異於晉唐易、宋易而做為清代群經新疏示範之《周易述》,和糾謬補苴杜預《春秋經傳集解》、開清人以漢匡杜之風的《春秋左傳補注》等代表作。不論對標誌清學典範的乾嘉考據學、或清儒在雜有晉唐經學傳統的《十三經注疏》以外另建「漢學」典範的群經新注而言,惠棟皆是首開風氣的承先啟後人物。


Qing Dynasty saw the renaissance of Confucianism. In the long evolution of Confucianism, the Five Classics and Four Books traditions played important roles respectively in the past. In the academic development of close to 1,000 years in Song, Ming and Qing Dynasties, Qing study, after Confucianism in Song and Ming Dynasties is the succession of Confucianism in return of that in the earlier two dynasties. Therefore, Confucianists in Qing Dynasty have great esteem for Confucianists and their interpretations in Hang Dynasty. They teach with such interpretation in order to pass on the study of the sage. The pioneer of promoting Hang Dynasty study in Qing Dynasty is Huei Dong. Through ancient meanings, he interpreted exegical of Confucianism to establish the paradigm of Confucianism in Qing Dynasty and set the example of universally-followed textual criticism in Qianlong and Jiaqing periods. Huei Dong composed a great number of works with excellent ways. Textual criticism in Qianlong and Jiaqing later became the paradigm of Qing study. It also further established the new interpretations of Confucianism paradigm besides Qing Confucianists in Annotations to the Thirteen Classics in the tradition of Jin and Tang Dynasties. Huei Dong is the one who succeeded the tradition and set the new climate.


