  • 期刊


The Insight of Prajna: LIU, XIE's Examination of "Discourse (Lun)"




LIU, XIE's The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons conducts a diachronic observation and comparison of the changes in the development of prose genre "discourse" ("lun"). Speaking of the origin of the genre of discourse and its paradigm, LIU, XIE's criterion is "explaining the sages and understanding the classics." However, when it comes to diachronic observation, in which the controversy between "upholding being" and "valuing nothingness" is discussed, LIU, XIE's discussion shows a discrepancy from his previous stance. He proposes "the ultimate state of Prajna" as a move beyond the being-nothingness controversy. "Prajna" is a concept from Buddhist canons that is accepted by most people. Prajna is as the only notion that LIU, XIE, as a Buddhist, specifies as related to Buddhist canons or philosophy in the entirety of The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons, without specifying the title and author it refers to throughout. Owing to the lack of scholarly elaboration on this question, this article aims to clarify it by comparing the discussions on "discourse" over the history of its development and transformation, and by reading LIU, XIE's approach to Buddhist discourse and prose genres in The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons, thereby identifying the relationship between "Prajna" and "discourse." On this basis, this article analyzes the reason for which LIU, XIE had a high regard for the discourse on "Prajna."


漢‧王充 WANG, CHONG:《論衡》Lun Heng(臺北 Taipei︰臺灣商務印書館 The Commercial Press, Ltd.,1979 年 11 月),景印上海涵芬樓藏《四庫叢刊初編》本 Jing Yin Shanghai Han Fen Lou Cang Si Ku Cong Kan Chu Bian Ben,冊 22。
晉‧李充 LI, CHONG:《翰林論》Han Lin Lun,輯入清‧嚴可均 YAN, KE-JUN︰《全上古秦漢三國六朝文》Quan Shang Gu Qin Han San Guo Liu Chao Wen(石家莊 Shijiazhuang︰河北教育出版社 Hebei Education Press,1997 年 10 月),第 4 冊,卷 53,全晉文。
晉‧道安 DAO, AN︰〈鼻奈耶序〉“Bi Nai Ye Xu”,見《鼻奈耶》Bi Nai Ye,輯入《大正藏》Da Zheng Cang,卷 24,1464 經,CBETA。
南朝宋‧陸澄 LU, CHENG︰《法論》Fa Lun,見梁‧僧祐 SENG, YU︰《出三藏記集》Chu San Zang Ji Chi,《大正藏》Da Zheng Cang,卷 55,2145 經,CBETA。
梁‧任昉 REN, FANG︰《文章緣起》Wen Zhang Yuan Qi(臺北 Taipei︰臺灣商務印書館 The Commercial Press, Ltd.,1965 年),景印文淵閣《四庫全書》本 Jing Yin Wen Yuan Ge Si Ku Quan Shu Ben,集部 9,詩文評類。
