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Taiwan in Haidong School Principal Tangxun's Lyrics during the Rule of the Qing Dynasty over Taiwan




唐壎 臺灣詞 蘇庵詩餘 清領時期


Tangxun used to work as an official in Taiwan during the year of Daoguang and Xianfeng. In the year of Tongzhi, he came to Taiwan again. In short, he had stayed in Taiwan for twenty years. His collection of poetry was called Suan Shiyu; meanwhile, he made 304 lyrics and eight political commentary articles, which recorded the Mass Uprising of Lingong in Fengshan during the third year of Xianfeng (1853)-Taiwanese county head magistrate Gao Hongfei was killed; Fengshan county head magistrate Wang Tinggan and his whole family were died of martyrdom. The heroes of the incident, Ceng Yuanfu and Zheng Yuanjie, had made contributions to save the cities of Fengshan. Besides, Taiwanese senior official Hong Yuchen was originally prompted as the chief executive who stationed in Hanyang county in Hubei province; however, because of the occurrence of the Tai Chaochuen Incident and the begging (for stay) from the citizens, Hong was temporarily transferred to Taiwanese county. Unfortunately, he fell ill from constant overwork and died in 1863 (the second year of Tongzhi) when he was on his duty. Tangxun also wrote/described Taiwanese mountains, rivers, plants and criticized the social custom of Taiwan in his lyrics. His lyrics was enough to make up the deficiency of the Taiwanese history. Sadly, he was not known in the academic field. The local chronicles of Taiwan didn't record any of his information, either. Thus, this paper aims to examine, study, and analyze Tangxun's life profile, the opportunities/motivations he stayed in Taiwan, the process he made his lyrics, the content of his lyrics, and the meaning of the study of Tang's lyrics.


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