  • 期刊


On the Strata Analysis and Phonological Changes of Xiào Shè Grade-3 and Grade-4 Cognates in Proto Min Finals




閩語 效攝 層次 比較方法 歷史語言學


In this article, I reexamine the reconstruction of the Grade-3 and Grade-4 Cognates of Xiào Shè in Proto Min on the basement of Norman's reconstruction. Norman pointed out that there are two proto finals for Xiào Shè Grade-3 and Grade-4 i.e. *iau and *eu respectively. According to those two finals, it seems that proto Min simply has correspondences with Ancient Chinese Xiào Shè Grade-3 and Grade-4 simply. However, Xiào Shè Grade-3 and Grade-4 have other correspondences which shows that proto Min possessed difference phonological strata. My conclusion is below: 1. In proto Min, Xiào Shè Grade-3 has two proto forms: *au and *iɑu. 2. Xiào Shè Grade-4 has two proto forms: *iɑu and *iau. 3. Based on the historical phonological and lexical evidence, I suggest that *au and *íɑu are come from Archaic Chinese. In other words, the phonological contract shows that the middle element *-j- is dropped in Proto Min final system. *iɑu and *iau could be traced to Jiang-dong Dialect, which is a southern language used in Six Dynasties.


吳瑞文Wu Ruiwen:〈共同閩語*iɑi韻母的擬測與檢證〉“A Critical Study on the Reconstruction of Proto-Min Final *iɑi”,《臺大中文學報》Bulletin of the Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University第27期(2007年12月),頁263-292。 DOI:10.6281/NTUCL.2007.27.08
吳瑞文Wu Ruiwen:〈論山攝開口字在共同閩語中的演變與層次〉“Development and Strata Analysis of Shan She Unrounded Cognates in Proto-Min”,《中國語言學集刊》Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics第6卷第1期(2012年6月),頁177-238。 DOI:10.1163/2405478X-90000098
東漢‧許慎Xu Shen著,清‧段玉裁Duan Yucai注:《說文解字注》Commentary on the Shuowen Jiezi(臺北Taipei:黎明文化事業出版有限公司Li Ming Cultural Enterprise Co., Ltd.,1994年)。
丁邦新Ting Panghsin:〈重建漢語中古音系的一些想法〉“Zhong Jian Han Yu Zhong Gu Yin Xi de Yi Xie Xiang Fa”,《中國語言學論文集》Zhong Guo Yu Yan Xue Lun Wen Ji(北京Beijing:中華書局Zhonghua Book Company,2008年),頁65-73。(原刊於《中國語文》Studies of the Chinese Language第6期(1995年),頁414-419)。
丁邦新Ting Panghsin:〈論《切韻》四等韻介音有無的問題〉“On the Medial -i- in Qieyun Division IV Finals”,《中國語言學論文集》Zhong Guo Yu Yan Xue Lun Wen Ji(北京Beijing:中華書局Zhonghua Book Company,2008年),頁89-99。(原刊於《中國語言學集刊》Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics第1卷第1期(2006年),頁1-14)。
