  • 期刊


Ryukyu intellectual in the period of the country destroyed A disscition on the writing of the "prosperous times" in "Miscellaneous to the North"




蔡大鼎 北上雜記 琉球 書寫策略 盛世


"Miscellaneous to the North" is the work of Cai Dading, an intellectual of Ryukyu, who stayed in Beijing during the six years before and after Japan invaded Ryukyu and abandoned the feudal clan and set up the county. The purpose of this article is to explore how Cai Dading, the last Ryukyu dynasty, was exposed to turbulent times and tried to use miscellaneous stylistics to express unclear political writing intentions. His book specifically records the picture of Beijing's "prosperous age", although it seems to be the same as tourism travel notes, but Comparing the descriptions of Beijing by the envoys of the same period, we can know the truth that is ready to come out of the imagination and reality. And understand how Ryukyu intellectuals use what they have learned when the order is disintegrating and the country is on the verge of subjugation, using the flourishing age of literature as a call to memory and resisting the writing intention of transcending reality. As the best testimony of the times, "Miscellaneous Notes on the North" is even more worthy of our attention.


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