  • 期刊


Kung-chuan Hsiao as a Political Scientist: Background, Thought, and Hopes for Constitutionalism


蕭公權(1897-1981)以史家知名,知道他也是一位政治學家的則不多。論他的前半生,當以政治學家視之,後半生才轉向專注歷史研究,而後半生的轉向,受政治學的影響甚大。本文探討蕭與政治學的關係,從他攻讀政治哲學開始,至運用所學,力圖影響國民黨走向民主政治。面對國共鬥爭政局,他的思想亦有了一些明顯的轉變。本文追述到他早年對政治多元論的探討,以及他的名著《中國政治思想史》對儒道墨諸家的基本認識,認為「孔墨皆接近君主專制之觀點」,老子傾向於「虛君」民治,「吾國古來未有實際民治之制度如古希臘之所曾見」。但在運用的時候,發揮政治多元論的觀點,有所改變,說:「孔子斷然不能承認君主專制,或少數人把持全局。」他傾力鼓吹中國走向民主政治,希望國民黨早日召開國會,全民選舉,成為真正的民主共和國。他的終極關懷是實行「自由社會主義」,他要以自由主義與社會主義相接合,在國會中達成政治、社會、經濟平等的解決辦法,此一觀念似受孫中山及拉斯基(Harald Laski)的影響。


Kung-chuan Hsiao (1891-1981) was well known as a historian. Few would recognize him as a political scientist. Yet in fact most of his writings during the first half of his life were aimed of how to improve China's political environment. He turned to professional historical research and teaching only in the latter half of his life. His studies were highly influenced by the discipline of political science. This paper traces briefly how Hsiao became a political scientist. When he returned to China after getting his Ph.D. at Cornell University, he tried to introduce to the Chinese people the political pluralism or democratic liberalism that he had learned in the United States. He spent eighteen years studying traditional Chinese political thought, concluding that that Confucians rarely accepted constitutionalism, while the Taoists tended to be anarchists. He said, ”Our country since ancient times had never had a political system of the government ruled by the people as the Greeks had.” But when he tried to persuade the Nationalists (Guomingdang) to put constitutionalism into practice as early as possible, he creatively commented that, ”Confucius would definitely reject despotism of the people ruled by a only small group.” He insisted that the Chinese people should have a democratic government, which should be realized by nationwide elections for a parliament. His final concern was that China should adopt ”liberal socialism,” an idea seeming influenced by Sun Yet-san and Harold Laski.


