  • 期刊


ICT-enabled Service Design Suitable for Museums-The Case of the iPalace Channel of the National Palace Museum in Taipei


在服務經濟的時代,由於資通訊科技(Information and Communication Technologies,ICT)的蓬勃發展,國立故宮博物院(以下簡稱故宮)的服務正逐步朝向顧客導向的、創新的、資通訊化的(ICT-enabled)方向發展。本研究以故宮的一個躍進的(radical)資通訊化服務創新-故宮頻道(iPalace channel)-為實例,來說明適用於開發此類型之資通訊化服務,且兼具概念與操作指引的溝通工具設計。本研究整合服務學門與資訊系統學門的設計理論,提出下列之溝通工具:(1)資通訊化服務藍圖(ICT-enabled service blueprint),以顯示服務體系中有關資通訊科技應用的部分之設計藍圖;(2)服務介面表(interface table of service encounter),以顯示服務體系中有關資通訊科技應用的服務接觸點(service encounter)部分之設計;(3)虛擬碼(pseudo code),以顯示服務體系中,跨組織內或組織間的中台(middle-office)及後台(back-office)之工作流程設計。本研究應用了上述之溝通工具來協助建置故宮頻道服務之雛型。這些資通訊化服務藍圖、服務介面表,以及虛擬碼之實作結果能被故宮之高階經理人所接受,並得以有效且有效率地實作出故宮頻道服務之雛型。此雛型已證實能被故宮之高階經理人所接受。


In the service economy, the information and communication technologies (ICT) have become more popular and the service of the National Palace Museum (NPM) is evolving to be customer-oriented, innovative, and ICT-enabled. This study takes the case of iPalace channel of NPM to explore the suitable communication tool for designing such new ICT-enabled services. This study integrates approaches from the disciplines of service and system engineering to derive such a communication tool for the iPalace channel. Specifically, the proposed communication tool helps the designer comprehensively describe the following three parts: the ICT-enabled service blueprint, the interface table of ICT-enabled service encounter, and the pseudo code of the middle-office and back-office activities that cross the intra-organizational business processes and the inter-organizational workflows. Application results confirm that the proposed communication tool for the iPalace channel can be accepted by the senior managers of NPM, and can effectively and efficiently facilitate the prototype implementation of iPalace channel.


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