  • 期刊

The Changing Role of Women in Spanish Agriculture: Analysis from the Agricultural Censuses, 1962-1982



本文是藉由農業普查資料之分析提供對西班牙婦女在農業中所扮演角色的概括性了解。文內共分成三個部分。首先,著眼於大部分的婦女農業勞動力之理論性探討背後的重要觀念,繼而對西班牙農業近十年的發展做一個簡要描述。第二部分則在評估從農業普查所獲得的資料(1962,1972與1982)。第三部份則集中於分析從普查資料中所透露的婦女在西班牙農業中的改變;包括了有酬與無酬的工作。 由統計資料的分析可以清楚見到:在以家庭農業爲主的區域中,無論農業是否蓬勃或遲滯發展,女性都扮演了重要的角色。但是另一方面,從分析結果可見:西班牙的農業普查低估了婦女工作的份量。基本的問題在於他們所使用的勞動力的概念排除或低估了對家庭農場的生產與再生產兩方面都極爲必須,但傳統上由婦女所從事的工作。




This paper draws a general picture of women's role in Spanish agriculture through the analysis of available census statistics. The paper has three sections. The first focuses on the key concepts that lie behind most of the theoretical discussions on women's labor in agriculture and then moves on to provide a quick picture of the evolution of Spanish agriculture in the last decades. The second evaluates the data that can be gathered from the available Agrarian Censuses (1962, 1972, and 1982). The third centers on an analysis of changes in women's work in Spanish agriculture revealed by the census data, considering both paid and unpaid work. From the statistical analysis it is clear that women play an important role in regions where the family farm is predominant, whether the agricultural sector is a thriving one or a stagnant one. But the results also demonstrate that Spanish Agrarian Censuses underestimate women's work. The basic problem is that the concept of labor that they use excludes or undervalues a significant proportion of the work necessary for the production and reproduction of the family farm which is traditionally done by women.
