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The Construction of 〞Unity of Ritual, Rule and Doctrine〞 Theory in Tokugawa Japan: Centered on Aizawa Seshisai





Most previous studies claim that scholars of later Mito School promoted the restoration of the Tennō in terms of granting him the power of 〞unity of ritual and rule 〞through Confucianism, and used it to create ideological support for 〞kokutai.〞 Apart from the fact that 〞unity of ritual and rule〞 proved the Tennō was born with the divine rights to religion and governance, more importantly, concerning the virtues of loyalty and filial piety, one can conclude that this proved 〞chūkōippon〞 and further manifested 〞hōhonhanshi.〞 However, this study proposes, when facing invasions from the 〞xijiao〞 toward the end of the Edo period, 〞unity of ritual and rule〞 was claimed by the later Mito Scholar, Aizawa Seshisai. He absorbed the political thoughts of Kitabatake Chikafusa and Ogyū Sorai, and wanted to promote the code of etiquette to the entire Japan. Aizawa Seshisai made all subjects accept the ancestral 〞Tenso〞 as the only origin for religion and governance, realize 〞kunminittai〞 in this sense, and thus eliminate the concern that religions from the 〞xijiao〞 would manipulate the thoughts of the subjects. Being aware of the risk of invasions from the 〞xijiao,〞 Aizawa Seshisai realized that one had to integrate folk customs through 〞enlightenment〞 and to emphasize the importance of 〞unity of ritual, rule, and doctrine 〞 once again, which was the completion of the political thought of 〞unity of ritual, rule and doctrine.〞


漢‧孔安國注,唐‧孔穎達疏,《尚書注疏》,清‧阮元審定,清‧盧宣旬校,《重刊宋本十三經注疏附校勘記》第 1 冊,臺北:藝文印書館,1965,清嘉慶二十年南昌府學刊本。
漢‧何休解詁,唐‧徐彥疏,《公羊注疏》,清‧阮元審定,清‧盧宣旬校,《重刊宋本十三經注疏附校勘記》第 7 冊,臺北:藝文印書館,1965,清嘉慶二十年南昌府學刊本。
漢‧鄭玄注,唐‧賈公彥疏,《儀禮注疏》,清‧阮元審定,清‧盧宣旬校,《重刊宋本十三經注疏附校勘記》第 4 冊,臺北:藝文印書館,1965,清嘉慶二十年南昌府學刊本。
漢‧鄭玄注,唐‧孔穎達疏,《禮記注疏》,清‧阮元審定,清‧盧宣旬校,《重刊宋本十三經注疏附校勘記》第 5 冊,臺北:藝文印書館,1965,清嘉慶二十年南昌府學刊本。
唐‧李隆基注,宋‧邢昺疏,《孝經注疏》,清‧阮元審定,清‧盧宣旬校,《重刊宋本十三經注疏附校勘記》第 8 冊,臺北:藝文印書館,1965,清嘉慶二十年南昌府學刊本。
