  • 期刊


Partition and Identification of Wave System of Directional Wave Spectra


現場實測資料中,方向頻譜較頻譜更能詳細的描述真實海況,由方向頻譜中劃分出不同方向和不同頻率的波浪系統,可以增加風浪和湧浪識別結果的可靠性。發展適用於臺灣海域方向頻譜資料的劃分與識別系統,必須考慮臺灣海域浮標大多位於有限水深範圍,因此我們以有限水深的TMA頻譜引入Portilla et al.(2009)的識別方法,發展方向頻譜在有限水深的識別方法,並比較Vincent and Soille(1991)分水嶺法和Hasselmann et al.(1996)分水嶺法,發展方向頻譜的劃分方法,建立自動化的方向頻譜劃分與識別系統,應用於分析柯羅莎颱風期間臺灣海域龜山島浮標和鵝鑾鼻浮標的實測方向頻譜資料,並將方向頻譜的劃分結果與頻譜的劃分結果(Hsu et al., 2011)作比較,可發現由於頻譜資料缺少方向資訊,容易誤判方向不同但是頻率相近的不同波浪系統,反觀方向頻譜資料可明確的劃分出獨立的波浪系統,因此增加劃分與識別結果的可信賴度,有利於未來作業化風浪預報與工程應用。


方向頻譜 波譜劃分 TMA頻譜 風浪 湧浪


To automated analyze directional wave spectra, a technique of partition and identification has been developed. It merges spurious wave systems into significant wave system after separating partition by watershed method, then using TMA spectrum to identify seas and swell in finite depth water. The technique is implemented within the MATLAB programming environment and analyzing the data during Krosa typhoon in October, 2007. Consistent result is obtained looking at the significant wave height of whole swell systems between the technique and the TMA method of frequency spectrum (Hsu et al., 2011). It is found that the frequency spectrum lacking directional information causes misidentification wave systems in different direction but neighbor by frequency.
