  • 期刊


Study on Design and Innovation of New Type Vacuum/Pressure Forming Machine


在台灣塑膠真空成型機械產業發展超過三十年的過程中,由於近年來全球塑膠產業走向大者恆大的趨勢,使得台灣以中小企業類型經營的機械廠必須加緊產業升級的步調,一方面往新興市場擴展,一方面則要以技術創新開發出新穎的機械,才能突破困境,維持競爭力。本研究提出適合台灣中小企業真空成型廠商採用的低成本、高品質往復式高壓/真空成型機之開發流程。首先以SWOT 分析法展開產品問題需求與解決對策;再以TRIZ 創新開發原則,找出滿足低成本生產且高生產品質的概念設計,並以專利分析檢討,最後藉此概念進行外型及機構設計,達成適合中小型真空成型業者使用的目標。


During the past 30 years of Taiwanese vacuum forming machinery industry development, Taiwanese companies were pushed to speed up their industry upgrading due to the trend of "The powerful are always powerful "of the plastic industry. This research proposes the development process which is suitable for middle and small Taiwanese company to adopt as low cost and high quality of compact vacuum and pressure forming machine. First, the SWOT analysis provides the requirement and solution analysis. Then, TRIZ, the Theory for Solving Inventive Problems, helps to find out the conceptual design, which satisfied low cost and high quality production. Afterward, the patent analysis works helpfully to verify it. Finally, this study proposes to the design of appearance and mechanism to achieve the goal for suitable for middle and small vacuum forming enterprise to adopt.


Vacuum Forming Pressure Forming TRIZ Patent Analysis
