  • 期刊


Monitoring and Management Strategy for Exotic Invasive Plants in Taiwan


外來植物的入侵改變了生態環境,嚴重影響生物多樣性。外來植物是指由人類活動或非人類行為、經自然途徑所引入之植物,外來植物如果可以適應環境並在自然狀況下存活繁衍,稱為歸化植物,人侵植物則是指強勢可侵佔棲地之植物。小花蔓澤蘭(Mikania micrantha Kunth)、銀合歡(Leucaena leucocephala(Lam.)de Wit.)、銀膠菊(Parthenium hysterophorus L.)和美洲母草(Lindernia dubia(L.)Pennell)的侵入,造成農作物減產、侵佔棲地排擠本地種、影響人畜健康、破壞景觀、環境品質、生態體系等多方面的危害。臺灣外來植物中約有11%已歸化,其中禾本科、菊科、茄科歸化比率皆超過30%,藥毒所自1991年起偵測進口穀物,每年皆有65%以上的進口農產品中混有雜草種子,2012年更有高達82%的檢出率,檢出之雜草種類中有37種是台灣未記錄的雜草,佔35%。因此應以雜草風險評估、害物風險管理及管控入侵種方法,防止外來物種入侵以維護本土生態環境,使得生物資源得以永續保育。


The ecological invasion of exotic plant species is one of important reasons to disrupt biodiversity. Among the exotic plants in Taiwan, Mikania micrantha Kunth, Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit., Parthenium hysterophorus L., and Lindernia dubia (L.) Pennell are currently regarded as the three very important invasive plants damaging local biodiversity greatly. For the past few years, weed seeds have been found in the imported agricultural products by BCIQ quarantine office. More than 65% of samples contaminated by weed seeds, including 37 species not recorded in Taiwan. A strategy of integrated management including strict quarantine, careful introduction, management of exotic plants, and biological control of serious domesticated plant, is suggested to prevent and control invasive exotic plants.


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