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Tadai-Antei and the "Taitung Colony Survey Report" Colonialism, Knowledge Construction, and the Representation Politics of Eastern Taiwan


回代安定(1856~1928),十九世紀末日本有名的博物學者,於日本統治台灣時隨軍來台,任職於總督府殖產部門。殖民統治初期,總督府在殖產發展政策中進行計劃移民地域(當時用語爲「殖民地」)調查中,田代負責台灣東部的部分,其成果即爲《台東殖民地預查報文》。 本文即針對田代安定此報告書的生產過程及內容進行分析,試圖說明田代再現東部台灣時所涉及的三個層面:一是「殖民地」調查之所以展開的日治初期殖民主義政治脈絡。二是作爲博物學家,其自然史知識的形成與實踐。三是有關調查如何可能的問題,即田代在東部進行田野時,所涉及的在地社會網絡。 準此,本文指出田代除了完成總督府「殖民地調查方針」的計劃移民地域的調查外,其報告書亦是一含意豐富的博物學誌的文本。同時,田代來台前的八重山及南島調查成果也成爲其再現東部時重要的知識參照。更進一步地,作爲明治期的知識人,田代的知識建構,也實踐著近代「日本」國族主義的文化想像。


Tadai-Antei (1856-1928), a famous Japanese scholar of late nineteenth century, came to Taiwan during the period when Japan ruled over Taiwan. He worked in the Department of Industrial Development in the Government-general. In the early stage of colonial years, Government-general conducted a survey on the inter-regional migration project for Taiwan's industrial development. Tadai-Antei was in charge of the research on Eastern Taiwan, and the final product was the ”Taitung Colony Survey Report”. This artic1e tries to c1arify three important issues addressed by Tadai-Antei in his endeavor to representation Eastern Taiwan by analyzing the research process and content of his report. The first issue is the political context for the development of this ”colony” survey in the early Japanese ruling period. The second is the formation and practice of Tadai-Antei knowledge of natural history as a scholar. The third is on the possible problems Tadai-Antei encountered, especially the local social network during his field study on Eastern Taiwan. As was pointed out by Levin, Tadai-Antei report was not only a final product for ”directions for colony survey” plan of the Government-general, but also was a rich text of natural history. At the same time, the Yaesan (八重山) and southern island survey reports which Tadai-Antei published before he came to Taiwan also constitute an important references when he tried to resurface Eastern Taiwan. Furthermore, as an Meiji intellectual elite, Tadai-Antei displayed the cultural imagination of ”Japanese nationalism” during his knowledge construction.


