  • 期刊


How Does the Change in the System of Legislative Elections Affect Incumbency Advantage in Taiwan?




Incumbency advantage is the benefit of being an incumbent in an election. In 2008, the legislative electoral system in Taiwan was switched from single non-transferable voting to first-past-the-post voting. The number of seats was also halved from 225 to 113. After this change, incumbents were able to deter quality challengers from running, and they could also deploy more resources in constituency services than their predecessors. Therefore, incumbents in the 2012 legislative election should have more advantage than those in the 2004 election. The author used a survey data set from Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study. The empirical results indicated that being an incumbent could offer statistically significantly advantage in the 2012 election, but incumbency advantage was not statistically significant in the 2004 election. In light of the damage of incumbency advantage in the U.S. democracy, we should seriously consider measures to mitigate the damage.


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