  • 期刊


Experiences of Patients with Cancer in Receiving Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment: An Example of Patients with Breast Cancer




中醫 乳癌 中醫師


Although Western and traditional Chinese medicines are based on different theoretical systems and languages, numerous patients choose to receive Western and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatments concurrently. Therefore, how TCM and Western medicine can be integrated for treating patients has become a focus in research in recent years, particularly the research on experiences of patients with cancer receiving TCM treatment. This study recruited patients with breast cancer as research participants to collect data of these patients' health-seeking behaviour in relation to TCM primarily through qualitative in-depth interviews and secondarily through participatory observation. According to the results, the 25 participants sought treatment mainly from Western medicine, but they also received TCM treatment. The participants considered seeking treatment from TCM a self-help process; they turned to TCM because they were deeply affected by the concepts and cultural foundation of this therapy that have been passed on intergenerationally. They usually visited TCM physicians through referrals by other patients with breast cancer or friends who were also physicians and often sought treatment at a TCM outpatient clinic, of which therapeutic effect was evaluated through their perceived physical and psychological statuses. During communication with a Western medicine physician on their adoption of TCM, most participants considered that Western physicians may not accept or agree with TCM. Unlike said attitudes of Western medicine physicians, this study, through participatory observation and interviews with participants, discovered that some TCM physicians asked their participants to provide reports of Western medicine treatment and examination they received as a reference for the prescription of TCM treatment. However, such integration and communication between the two medicines were initiated by patients instead of physicians.
