  • 期刊


Theory and Practice of Zhu Xi's Concept of "Studying the Nature of Things"- on the 'Ritual of School' in Yili Jing Zhuan Tong Jie




格物 儀禮經傳通解 朱子 小學 大學


Yili Jing Zhuan Tong Jie was the last editing work in Zhu Xi's life. 'Ritual of School' in the book illustrates basic structure of schools in ancient time, which includes preschool learning, elementary learning (xiao xue) and adult learning (da xue). This article analyzes ancient text in 'Ritual of School,' figuring out the main ideas, 'virtue, conduct, principle, skillfulness' (de, xing, dao, yi) that Zhu Xi brought out to interpret the learning process. The basic learning for adult in an ancient school contains 'Six Arts' (liu yi) and 'Four Skills' (si shu). According to the theory of "studying the nature of things" (ge wu), one needs to study everything in the world in order to acquire knowledge of God's principles (tian li). In reality, the study focuses on classic learning and editing. Comparing the learning in Yili Jing Zhuan Tong Jie with Book of Adult Learning, this article discovers that learning and editing classics for Zhu Xi is both self-cultivating and teaching for others. And it is also the way that ancient saints taught people of that time and in later periods. The importance of teaching in Five Classics (wu jing) in the theory of "studying the nature of things" shows Zu Xi's knowledge system. In this sense, Zhu Xi's work in Five Classics refers to knowing permanent principles. The principles help to manage the world by means of "wen", and thus could not be replaced by any ethical statements in Four Books.


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漢•孔安國傳,唐•孔穎達正義:《十三經注疏尚書正義》,臺北:新文豐 出版公司,2001 年。
宋•程顥、程頤:《二程遺書》,《二程全書》,臺北:臺灣中華書局,1969年, 《四庫備要》據江寧刻本校刊聚珍仿宋版印。
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