  • 期刊

"Siddhartha": A Hero's Journey into Enlightenment





英雄 迷思 旅程 覺悟


The purpose of this paper is to interpret "Siddhartha" as a mythological hero's quest, with the theory based on Joseph Campbell's "The Hero with a Thousand Faces". On one hand, Siddhartha's journey conforms to the structure of a typical hero's adventure, a cycle involving a leaving and a returning. On the other hand, his experiences represent the suffering and redemption common to humanity. After the journey, he achieves a transcendental state of being, fulfilling the archetypal dream of seek and find. The contents of this paper are divided into two parts. The first part explicates Campbell's mythic theory in terms of the three stages of departure, initiation and return. This illustration aims to highlight the existence of human collective unconscious. The second part analyzes Siddhartha's spiritual growth after the three stages of self exploration. He answers the call for adventure, breaks the old threshold, undergoes harsh trials and finally gains a new consciousness through the help of a spiritual mentor. He enacts the consistent and enduring hero pattern in myth. The application of Campbell's hero archetype to the study of "Siddhartha" will prove that it is not a didactic or distorted text on Buddhism. Seen in a mythic perspective, it’s a timeless tale pointing to the spiritual potentialities of mankind. Siddhartha is not a sage specifically belonging to ancient India. The wisdom he gains from the river is a universal boon to benefit the human world.


hero myth journey enlightenment


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